Monday, September 12, 2011

Ok this is just a vent cause Matt will just placate me and tell me that is how people are and I get aggravated. I have been entering a lot of giveaways on facebook and in order to do that you have to like the pages that are sponsoring the giveaway. Now in my mind there should be a level of respect for those that are supporting you but I guess I am in the minority and people find it appropriate to throw vulgarities around in a public forum where children can read it and can be exposed to things that they shouldn't, it bothers me. I don't know why it should surprise me but it bothers me greatly that type of thing I expect from high aged children not adults with children of their own who are trying to raise them to be responsible well rounded adults. I know this happens I use to be one of them but it is just so hard to see such callous behaviour and a lack of respect for others
I am not sure where to begin so this may flow all over the place. Adoption has been on my mind and in my heart for a long time, but I didn't think it was something that we could afford to do, and I wasn't sure if I could handle the Foster care system and what that might entail to my heart and our family. God truly does work in strange ways. He placed a very strong woman in our lives who has been through the same system I was leery of. She was able to give me a  lot of advice and point me in the right direction to see where things would go. 
That being said I have learned quite a lot about what I want to do as  parent in the last 17 years. I know if we were to have another biological child I would breastfeed and cloth diaper, obviously only one of those is an option when involved in the DCFS system. It is a very strange thing to prepare for a child that you have not even met and are not sure when they are going to arrive.
I am a planner, I like to have things set up and know point A to point B, I am also an admitted control freak so not having much control except embracing this process with as much enthusiasm and interest as I can. There has been a lot of prayer and discussion about whether we can do this or even if we should, God has answered that as well. Not long after the topic came up and I had really begun praying about adoption in earnest, my prayer was " God are we supposed to do this or not please show me your will" As I get out of bed and check my phone, not one but two of the bible apps on my phone, from two different, unrelated sources were pertaining to adoption, God answered.
The classes are not as exactly  as I had hoped, we have only had one, so here is praying that they get better. I am hoping to develop some relationships with others in the class so as  to know others that have been on the same journey in the same time frame. Time will tell.
 I wonder how many other Foster/ adoptive parents cloth diaper? It would be an interesting survey. I am just tired of dumping money down the drain every payday. They are good for Nix at night to, so we don't have to buy pull ups any more.